Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sermon Notes: Jesus and Joseph


Today, we delve into the story of Joseph, a journey from the pit to the palace, illustrating how one can move beyond crisis to Divine destiny. The story of Joseph is not just a tale of ancient times but a profound reflection of the trials and triumphs we experience in our own lives.

1. Life’s Challenges: At some point in your life, you will encounter rejection, betrayal, false accusations, temptation, bitterness, and resentment. These challenges are part of our human experience. However, through these trials, we also discover the favor of God and the path to God's unlimited prosperity.

2. Moving Beyond Crisis: To move beyond your crisis to your Divine destiny, you must:

•Move beyond your heartaches to achieve your Impossible Dream.

•Move beyond bitterness to receive the favor of God.

•Move beyond your accusers to move from the pit to the palace.

3. Joseph and Jesus: Joseph’s life parallels the life of Jesus in many ways:

•Shepherds: Both Joseph and Jesus are depicted as shepherds, guiding their flocks. Psalm 23 beautifully describes the Lord as our Shepherd.

•Saviors: Joseph saved his family, 70 people living under Jacob, by providing for them during a famine. Jesus saves us by offering eternal life.

4. Symbols of Sacrifice:

•Coat of Many Colors & Seamless Robe: Joseph’s coat was soaked in animal blood by his brothers to deceive their father into thinking he was dead. Similarly, Jesus’ robe was soaked in His precious blood. The hymn "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus" reminds us of this sacrifice.

•Bread of Life: Joseph was sent by his father to his brothers with bread. Jesus was sent by God the Father to earth as the Bread of Life.

5. Rejection and Redemption:

•Rejected: Joseph was rejected by his brothers; Jesus was rejected by His people.

•Gentile Bride: Joseph was given a Gentile bride by Pharaoh. Jesus, through the cross, was given a Gentile bride—the Church.

6. God's Unseen Hand: When you find yourself in a pit, remember that you are God's anointed. Even if you can't see where you're going, trust that God is leading you to a destiny greater than you can imagine.

7. Moments of Despair:

•When your brothers strip you of your coat and throw you in a pit, you might ask, "Where is God?"

•When you are sold into slavery and falsely accused, you might ask, "Where is God?"

•When you are imprisoned and forgotten, you might ask, "Where is God?"

8. God's Guidance: In all these moments, God’s unseen hand is guiding you. Though you are in the pit today, God is leading you to the palace tomorrow.

9. The Revealer of Secrets: Joseph was known as Zephanath Panea, the revealer of secrets. Similarly, Paul writes in Romans 2 that in the day of judgment, God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ. The revealer of secrets is coming.


Are you ready for the coming of Jesus Christ? When you feel like you're in a bottomless pit, remember that God is with you, leading you to a destiny far greater than you can imagine. Trust in Him, move beyond your crisis, and embrace the Divine destiny He has planned for you.

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