Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sermon Notes: Mother's Day - Finding Peace in the Promise



Many of us know the feeling of a child's heart pounding with fear. Perhaps you were once separated from a loved one, lost in a crowded store, or faced a dark and unfamiliar place. Today, I want to share a story from my own childhood... In that moment of fear, my mother's voice was a beacon of hope. Her arrival meant safety and love. Today, we'll explore how Jesus, our loving shepherd, offers the same comfort and security in the storms of life.


The Disciples' Anxious Hearts (John 14:1)

Imagine yourselves gathered with Jesus in the Upper Room. The air is thick with tension. Jesus has spoken of his departure, and the disciples are filled with confusion and fear. They don't understand what lies ahead.

Jesus' Gentle Reassurance (John 14:1)

In the midst of their anxiety, Jesus speaks words of comfort: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:1).  Jesus doesn't dismiss their worries, but offers a path to peace.

Three Gifts to Calm Our Anxious Hearts

The Gift of Unwavering Faith (John 14:1):  Jesus reminds us to place our trust in God, even when we can't see the way forward. Faith is believing in God's unseen presence, God's love, and plan for our lives.

The Gift of a Hopeful Future (John 14:2):  Jesus assures us, "In my Father's house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" (John 14:2).  This life may have its challenges, but we have the promise of eternal life with Christ in a place of peace and joy.

The Gift of Abiding in Jesus (John 14:3):  Jesus declares, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also." (John 14:3).  Our ultimate comfort lies not just in a future heaven, but in a present relationship with Jesus. He is our constant companion, our source of strength, and our hope for eternity.

Jesus: Our True Dwelling Place

The Psalmist reminds us, "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters" (Psalm 23:1-2).  Just as a shepherd provides for his flock, Jesus cares for our every need. He is our refuge, our haven of peace.


The hymn "Where Jesus Is, 'Tis Heaven" beautifully captures this truth: "No matter where on earth we dwell / On mountain top or in the dell / In cottage or in mansion fair / Where Jesus is 'tis heaven there." (Charles J. Butler's Hymn "Where Jesus Is, 'Tis Heaven").

When anxieties and fears threaten to overwhelm us, let us remember Jesus' promise. He is with us always, and He has prepared a place for us.

Call to Action

Open your hearts to Jesus' love and allow Him to be your source of strength and peace. Let us walk through life together, trusting in His presence and the hope He offers.

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