Tuesday, December 12, 2023

An Angel Speaks to Joseph in a Dream 4

 In Matthew 1:20-21, the angel instructs Joseph to name the child Jesus, which means “The Salvation of Yahweh.” Although this name was common in Joseph's time—evidenced by historical accounts mentioning several individuals named Jesus—its significance transcends any ordinary usage. This name carries profound importance, embodying the hope and promise of salvation for all people.

As the Apostle Peter later affirms, there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). This reinforces the incredible blessing and power associated with the name of Jesus, reminding us that God has a divine plan for salvation through Him.

Joseph's willingness to embrace this name symbolizes his acceptance of the role he plays in the unfolding of God's redemptive story. It invites us to reflect on the meaning of Jesus in our lives today. Just as Joseph stepped forward in faith, we too can find courage in His name, knowing that Jesus is our source of hope, healing, and restoration. In times of uncertainty or struggle, let us hold fast to the truth that through Jesus, we are offered the gift of salvation and a relationship with God that transforms our lives.

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