Monday, December 12, 2022

Gabriel’s Response 5

 The declaration that "with God, nothing shall be impossible" is a profound reminder of God's limitless power and faithfulness to fulfill His promises. More literally translated as "no word of God shall be powerless," this assurance emphasizes that every promise He makes will come to fruition.

This powerful truth echoes the divine promise given to Sarah in Genesis 18:14, where God assured her of a son despite her old age. Just as God brought that promise to life, we can trust that God will do the same for Mary—and for us. This reinforces our understanding that God's capabilities far exceed our human limitations, and God's plans are always for our good.

In times of uncertainty or doubt, let us hold fast to this encouraging truth. When God speaks, God's words carry weight assuring us that we can rely on God's promises. May we embrace this reality in our daily lives, finding strength in knowing that nothing is beyond God's reach. As we journey forward, let us nurture our faith, confident that God will accomplish what God has declared in our hearts and lives.

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