Sunday, December 12, 2021

Elizabeth’s Blessing to Mary 2

 In Luke 1:42-45, Elizabeth joyfully affirms Mary, proclaiming, "Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord." This powerful declaration emphasizes the vital role of faith in embracing God’s promises. Elizabeth recognizes that Mary’s belief was not merely passive acceptance but an active engagement with God’s Word.

By encouraging Mary, Elizabeth highlights that faith should inspire action rather than passivity. God’s promises invite us to step forward with confidence, trusting that He will fulfill what He has spoken. Each promise from the Lord carries the potential for transformation, calling us to take hold of it through faith.

Elizabeth’s words serve as a reminder to us all: when we believe in God’s promises, we position ourselves to witness their fulfillment in our lives. Just as Mary embraced her calling with faith, we too can lean into the assurances God gives us. Let us be encouraged to actively trust in the Lord, knowing that His plans are unfolding and that He is faithful to bring to fruition every promise made to us. In faith, we can anticipate the blessings that await us as we walk in His will.

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