Monday, July 12, 2021

Holy Communion: Christ's Presence

Brothers and sisters in Christ, many of us may long for a deeper connection with God in our faith journey. Holy Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper, offers a beautiful opportunity for just that – a transformative encounter with the real and living presence of Jesus Christ.

A Shared Meal, a Shared Promise

Imagine a warm table laden with bread and wine, a gathering of believers coming together in Jesus' name. This is the essence of Holy Communion.  Christ himself promised, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20).  In this shared meal, we experience God's love not just as individuals, but as a united community of faith.

More Than Memory: A Feast for the Soul

Holy Communion isn't just about remembering the Last Supper. While it reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice, it goes beyond mere remembrance. It's a present encounter with God's grace. As we partake in the bread and wine, they become more than symbols. They become tangible expressions of Christ's presence, nourishing our souls and strengthening our faith.

A Mystery of Love: Embracing the Gift

The exact nature of Christ's presence in the elements has been pondered for centuries.  There's beauty in this mystery.  We may not fully understand it with our minds, but we can experience it with our hearts.  Just as John and Charles Wesley expressed in their hymn, "O the Depth of Love Divine" (The United Methodist Hymnal, 627): "O the depth of love divine, the unfathomable grace! Who shall say how bread and wine God into us conveys!"

The hymn invites us to focus on the real and transformative power of the experience, even if the "how" remains a mystery.

A Call to Transformation: Receiving God's Grace

As we approach the Communion Table, let's come with open hearts, ready to receive God's forgiveness, renewal, and the strength to live according to His teachings. This shared meal is a call to action – to love God more deeply, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to carry the light of Christ into the world.

Preparing for the Table: A Journey of Faith

If you have questions about Holy Communion or haven't participated in a while, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are all on a journey of faith, and there's no shame in seeking guidance.  Pastors are here to support you and help you prepare for a meaningful encounter with Christ at the Table.

Let us come together, brothers and sisters, to participate in this sacred meal, to experience the real presence of Christ, and to be nourished by His love.

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