Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mary’s Response of Faith 2

 In Luke 1:38, Mary’s response, “Let it be to me according to Your word,” serves as a powerful affirmation of faith that resonates deeply with every believer. Her willingness to accept this divine calling required immense trust, especially knowing that her pregnancy would be viewed with suspicion in a culture where such situations could lead to severe consequences. By embracing her role, Mary identified with humanity and allowed God’s purpose to unfold through her.

Spiritually, Mary's experience mirrors the journey of every believer. Just as Jesus physically resided within Mary, He spiritually lives within us today. His presence is nurtured through His word, which shapes our lives and actions. Furthermore, just as Mary made Jesus visible to the world, we too are called to reflect Christ's love and light in our daily lives.

The connection we share with Christ is profound; as Spurgeon reminds us, we hold a close relationship with Him, akin to that of Mary. In moments of uncertainty, we can draw strength from Mary's example, affirming our faith and surrendering to God's will. When we embrace His promises, we open our hearts to the incredible possibilities He has in store for us.

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