Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mary’s Response of Faith 3

 In Luke 1:38, the moment the angel departed from Mary signifies the profound beginning of a divine miracle. Although we may not know the exact moment of Jesus' conception, it occurred when the cloud of God's glory overshadowed her, marking the miraculous Virgin Birth. This event embodies the mystery of godliness, as Paul emphasizes in 1 Timothy 3:16.

The Virgin Birth is a cornerstone of our faith, distinct from other mythologies that speak of gods engaging in relationships with mortals. Instead, Christianity celebrates the unique conception of Jesus, emphasizing His divine nature. This miraculous event reaffirms the authority of Scripture and highlights God’s power to intervene in the world in extraordinary ways.

As believers, we are invited to embrace this mystery with faith and awe. The Virgin Birth reminds us that God can do the impossible, bringing hope and salvation through the most unexpected circumstances. Just as Mary accepted her role in this divine plan, we too are called to trust in God's purpose for our lives, believing that He can work miracles in our own hearts and situations. In every challenge, we can hold on to the truth that with God, all things are possible.

Mary’s Response of Faith 2

 In Luke 1:38, Mary’s response, “Let it be to me according to Your word,” serves as a powerful affirmation of faith that resonates deeply with every believer. Her willingness to accept this divine calling required immense trust, especially knowing that her pregnancy would be viewed with suspicion in a culture where such situations could lead to severe consequences. By embracing her role, Mary identified with humanity and allowed God’s purpose to unfold through her.

Spiritually, Mary's experience mirrors the journey of every believer. Just as Jesus physically resided within Mary, He spiritually lives within us today. His presence is nurtured through His word, which shapes our lives and actions. Furthermore, just as Mary made Jesus visible to the world, we too are called to reflect Christ's love and light in our daily lives.

The connection we share with Christ is profound; as Spurgeon reminds us, we hold a close relationship with Him, akin to that of Mary. In moments of uncertainty, we can draw strength from Mary's example, affirming our faith and surrendering to God's will. When we embrace His promises, we open our hearts to the incredible possibilities He has in store for us.

Mary’s Response of Faith 1

 In Luke 1:38, Mary's response to the angel Gabriel is a beautiful testament to her faith and humility. When she declares, “Behold, the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word,” she exemplifies a profound acceptance of God's will for her life. Mary recognizes her role as a servant, understanding that her position is not to question but to trust in her Master’s plan.

Her willingness to embrace this divine calling, despite the challenges and potential misunderstandings she might face, reflects a deep spiritual maturity. She is aware that her acceptance may lead to scrutiny and hardship, yet she chooses to acquiesce with grace and faith. This model of patient trust serves as an encouragement for us all.

In our own lives, we may encounter circumstances that challenge our understanding or provoke fear. Like Mary, we can respond by surrendering to God's will, believing that His plans for us are good. Let us take inspiration from her unwavering faith, trusting that when we yield to God’s purpose, He will guide us through any storm. With faith, we can embrace our divine calling and experience the joy of being part of God's greater story.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Who are United Methodists?

The United Methodist Church is a global Christian denomination with a mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ and transform the world. United Methodists are people who actively put their faith into action, believing in God's love for all and expressing it through service to others.

Rooted in Wesleyan Tradition:

The movement began in 18th century England with John Wesley, who emphasized practical living of faith and applying reason and experience to religious practice. This focus on real-world application continues to shape United Methodist beliefs today.

A Welcoming Denomination:

United Methodists are a diverse group with over 12 million members worldwide. They believe in open communion, where anyone can participate in the Lord's Supper, and hold a "big tent" approach to theology, allowing for respectful dialogue even on areas of disagreement.  They share core Christian beliefs like those expressed in the Apostles' Creed, including the oneness of God, the Holy Trinity, and the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Living Faith Through Action:

United Methodists actively engage in their communities through social justice initiatives.  Following the teachings of John Wesley on "social holiness," they believe that personal salvation goes hand in hand with service to the world.

This commitment to action translates into various ministries:

Local mission projects and service initiatives

Supporting global missions through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

Advocating for social justice on issues like poverty and hunger

Providing educational and vocational training

Offering counseling, support groups, and pastoral care

Creating and supporting community development programs

United Methodists strive to open hearts, open minds, and open doors, creating a welcoming space for people to grow in faith and make a positive difference in the world.