Thursday, October 12, 2017

Immanuel 4

 The name "Immanuel" serves as a powerful reminder that we are invited to approach God with confidence. If God has come to us in the form of Jesus, we can surely come to Him without fear or hesitation. As Spurgeon reminds us, we don’t need a priest or intercessor to access God; He has already introduced Himself to us through His Son. This direct access empowers us to cultivate a personal relationship with our Creator, no matter who we are or what we’ve done.

John Wesley’s final words—“The best of all is God with us”—echo the heart of this message. They encourage us to carry the assurance of God's presence in our hearts every day. In our struggles and triumphs, we can find comfort and strength knowing that we are never alone. God is with us in every moment, offering love, guidance, and support. Let this profound truth inspire us to live boldly, reaching out to Him in prayer, worship, and daily life. Embrace the knowledge that "God with us" transforms our journey, inviting us to experience His grace and presence in all circumstances.

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