Saturday, July 10, 2010

Baptism 05: The Baptismal Covenant


Have you ever felt a longing to belong to something bigger than yourself?  Maybe you've heard about baptism and wondered what it means.  The Bible tells a beautiful story about God making special promises with His people, called "covenants." It's like making a pact with God, where He offers love and guidance, and we commit to following Him.  These covenants are often celebrated with special ceremonies and symbols.

In the Old Testament, God chose the Israelites as His special people.  To mark their covenant, they practiced circumcision of male infants.  But with Jesus' arrival, a new and amazing promise emerged.  Through His sacrifice and resurrection, God offered a "new covenant" open to everyone – men, women, young, and old! This covenant brings incredible forgiveness, God's amazing grace, and a deeper connection with Him.

The beautiful sign of this new covenant?  Baptism!

In our church, we call our baptism service "The Services of the Baptismal Covenant." It's not just about the person being baptized, but about a beautiful promise shared by God, the Church family, and you!

God's Amazing Grace:  The best part? God takes the first step!  His love and forgiveness are freely offered, a constant invitation to a loving relationship with Him.  This is the foundation of the entire covenant.

The Church Family:  We're not meant to walk this faith journey alone.  The Church is a supportive family of believers, cheering you on as you take this step.  We offer encouragement, guidance, and a safe space to learn and grow in faith.  Through baptism, you become part of this loving community.

Your Faith Journey:  This is where you or your loved one comes in!  Baptism is a public declaration of your desire to follow Jesus and enter into a covenant with God.  It's your beautiful response to God's incredible grace.

All three parts – God's grace, the Church family, and your faith journey – work together to make baptism a truly fulfilling experience.  It's a foundation for a life filled with faith and love.

If you're considering baptism for yourself or a loved one, know that it's a wonderful opportunity to experience God's love more deeply and become part of a supportive faith community.

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