Saturday, July 10, 2010

Baptism 12: What happens after Baptism?

Congratulations on your baptism – or on considering it for yourself or a loved one!  Baptism is a beautiful moment of celebration, welcoming you into God's loving embrace and our Church family.  But what happens next?  Well, this is just the beginning of an amazing adventure with God!

Growing Together in Faith:

Think of baptism as the exciting first step on a lifelong journey of faith.  Just like any precious gift, baptism needs to be nurtured.  This "Christian nurture" is about growing in your understanding of God's amazing grace and living out your faith in everyday life.

For Families with Infants:

If your child was recently baptized, there are some helpful resources available!  Many churches offer programs for parents or sponsors.  These programs explain the meaning of baptism and the joys (and maybe a few challenges!) of raising a child in faith.  It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more, connect with other families, and ask any questions you may have.

Adults Seeking Baptism:

Adults considering baptism often participate in preparation classes.  These classes are designed to help you understand the significance of baptism and how to live a life centered on Christ.  Your pastor is there to guide and support you every step of the way, no matter what questions you might have.

The Church: Your Faith Family:

The Church family is here for you at every stage of your faith journey, from children to adults.  We offer programs and resources to help you grow in your understanding of God's love.  This "Christian nurture" includes both learning about the Bible and practical ways to live out your faith in your daily life.

Celebrating Your Faith Milestones:

Sometimes, after baptism, people experience a powerful conversion or a renewed commitment to Christ.  If you feel called to do so, the Church offers public rituals for you to declare your faith.  These celebrations are a way to share your joy and receive ongoing support from your Church family.

Becoming More Like Jesus:

Our ultimate goal is to help you become more like Jesus Christ in your thoughts, words, and actions.  Through worship services, educational programs, social action projects, and the examples of other Christians, we learn to live out the transforming power of God's grace in our lives.

We're Here to Walk Alongside You:

The journey of faith is a lifelong adventure, and our Church family is here to walk alongside you every step of the way.  Whether you're new to faith or a seasoned believer, we offer programs, resources, and fellowship to help you grow in your relationship with God.  Please don't hesitate to reach out to a pastor or church leader if you have any questions.  We're here to support you on this exciting adventure!

Baptism 11: Only one Baptism

 Have you ever wondered about baptism, or maybe about a special experience you've had in your faith journey?  Baptism is a beautiful way to celebrate God's incredible love and become part of our Church family.  It's also a special promise, a covenant between God and you.

Baptism: A Promise of God's Faithful Love:

Think of baptism as God reaching out to you, inviting you into His loving embrace.  It's a promise He makes, a covenant established through the Church.  Because God's love for us never wavers, baptism is a one-time experience, a beautiful symbol of His enduring commitment.  This aligns with the teachings of many churches throughout history, and with recent agreements between different Christian denominations.

God's Love Stays Strong, Even When We Don't:

The amazing thing about baptism is that God's love for us remains constant, even when we make mistakes.  Life can be messy, and sometimes we stray from the path.  But baptism reminds us that God's love is always there, waiting for us to return.  It's not a one-time fix, but a symbol of His unwavering promise.  While we may break the promises we make at baptism, God's love for us is never broken.

Celebrating Growth in Your Faith:

Sometimes, after baptism, we experience powerful moments of growth in our faith.  Maybe you've had a time of conversion, a deepening commitment to God, or a powerful feeling of forgiveness.  These are definitely worth celebrating!  The good news is, you don't need to be baptized again.  Instead, we have beautiful services where you can reaffirm the vows you made at baptism.  It's a chance to say, "Yes, I may stumble sometimes, but God, I'm still here, and Your love is what keeps me going."

Reaffirming Your Faith Journey:

The United Methodist Church has special services like "Confirmation or Reaffirmation of Faith" or "A Celebration of New Beginnings in Faith."  These services allow you to publicly declare your ongoing commitment to God's promises.  They remind us that faith is a lifelong journey, and God is always by our side, cheering us on.

Always Welcome in Our Church Family:

Whether you're considering baptism for the first time, or seeking to reaffirm your existing faith, you're always welcome in our Church family.  We'd be honored to support you on your faith journey, no matter where you are. 

Baptism 10: God’s Gift to Persons of Any Age - Infant Baptism

 Have you ever thought about baptism? Maybe for yourself, or for a precious child in your life? Baptism is a beautiful way to celebrate God's incredible love and welcome new members into our Church family.

At its heart, baptism is about God's amazing grace.  This grace is a gift, offered freely to everyone, regardless of age.  Whether you're an adult making a conscious decision to follow Jesus, or a little one brought by loving parents, baptism is a symbol of God's love washing over you.

For Families with Infants:

Many families choose to baptize their children when they're young.  It's a way of saying, "We want to raise our child in the love of Jesus," and a chance to become part of our supportive Church community.  The Bible, in Acts 2:38-41 and 16:15,33, offers some glimpses into this practice.

We believe God prepares a path for us even before we know it, a concept called "prevenient grace."  Baptism for an infant is a way of acknowledging this – that we all depend entirely on God's love and grace from the very beginning.  The Church surrounds these little ones with love and becomes a source of God's grace in their lives.

Just like any gift, baptism needs to be nurtured.  This means raising your child in a loving Christian home and being part of the Church family.  If you're not quite ready for that step, or have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! We're here to walk alongside you on your faith journey, whenever you feel called.

God's Love Extends to All Ages:

The Church family believes that everyone deserves God's forgiveness and love, including children.  Baptism welcomes them into a new life in Christ, as precious children of God.  They become part of our congregation, receiving ongoing love and support as they grow in their faith.

The United Methodist Church encourages infant baptism because we believe it's a beautiful expression of God's love for all.  While your commitment to raising your child in faith is important, baptism is ultimately a gift of God's grace. It's God working through the Church to welcome a new member into our loving family.

We Understand Every Family is Different: 

We respect parents who choose to wait to baptize their children.  The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and confident in your decision.  If you have questions about baptism, believer's baptism (adult baptism), or anything else on your mind, please don't hesitate to ask!  We're here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

Baptism 09: Baptism and Holy Living

 The Bible compares baptism to a beautiful new birth, a fresh start in Christ.  But this new beginning is just the first chapter in a lifelong journey of growth and transformation.  Let's explore how baptism becomes the doorway to a life lived closer to God.

Imagine baptism as the first step on a path of growing closer to Jesus Christ.  Through God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, we experience a process called "sanctification."  This isn't about achieving perfection on our own, but about allowing the Holy Spirit to shape our lives more and more in line with God's will.

Sanctification involves a deepening love for God and our neighbor.  In the Wesleyan tradition, holiness (living a life pleasing to God) has two important aspects: personal and social holiness.  Personal holiness involves our own hearts and actions, while social holiness focuses on how we interact with the world around us.

Baptism becomes the gateway to this sanctified life.  It teaches us to expect even more of God's amazing grace, and it  welcomes us into a supportive community of faith.  This community prays for each other's holiness and encourages each other to live lives faithful to God's gifts.

As baptized believers, we, along with the Church as a whole, have a responsibility.  We are called to be a living example of God's redeeming love in the world.  This means striving to heal divisions, mend broken relationships, and offer love to those who are hurting.  There are no limitations on who can receive baptism – God's grace is for everyone.

Ultimately, baptism points towards the future reign of God on earth, a world transformed by love and peace.  While baptism is a significant step, it's only truly fulfilled when both believers and the Church itself fully reflect the image of Christ.

Baptism 08: Baptism as Forgiveness of Sin and new life

 The Bible beautifully describes baptism as a moment of forgiveness and a fresh start.  Imagine the burden of sin lifting from your shoulders, replaced by the incredible peace of God's forgiveness (Acts 2:38).  This forgiveness allows us to be reconciled with God, no longer separated by our wrongdoings.

This reconciliation is made possible by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Through the Holy Spirit's work in our lives, we experience the reality of that sacrifice.  In baptism, we respond by confessing and repenting of our sins, and by affirming our faith that Jesus has already accomplished everything we need for salvation.  Our faith is the key, and baptism is the public declaration of that faith.

God's forgiveness opens the door to a complete transformation.  Baptism becomes the sign of a new spiritual life, where we become "new creations" in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).  It's like shedding our old life, dominated by sin, and embracing a new life empowered by Christ.

Think of baptism as the gateway to this new life in Christ (John 3:5, Titus 3:5).  This "new birth" experience may not always happen at the exact moment of baptism.  Our understanding and acceptance of Christ's redemption and our new life in Him may deepen over time.  But no matter when this realization dawns, it fulfills the promises God made to us at our baptism.

Here's the beautiful thing: baptism is open to everyone, regardless of age or background.  If you're feeling burdened by sin or longing for a fresh start, baptism might be the answer you've been seeking.

Baptism 07: Baptism as Incorporation into the Body of Christ

 The Bible tells a beautiful story of Jesus establishing the Church, His body on earth.  Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus unites believers into a loving community (1 Corinthians 12:13, 27).  This community, the Church, has a special mission – to share the good news of Jesus and live out His teachings.

Baptism is the beautiful doorway into this incredible family.  It's the official entrance, the moment we become members of the Church – the universal Church, our specific denomination, and our local congregation.

Imagine baptism not as a private event, but as a celebration with the whole Church family.  It's a time for the gathered community to affirm their faith and commit to supporting the person being baptized.  We promise to be spiritual mentors, offering encouragement and guidance on this faith journey.

This is why baptism ideally takes place during a regular worship service, surrounded by the whole congregation.  It's a public declaration of faith, not just for the person being baptized, but for the entire Church community.  In rare situations, when a baptism can't happen during a service, we still strive to include representatives of the congregation.  Later, the baptism is formally recognized in a public worship service, allowing the whole Church family to make their promises of support.

The beauty of baptism is that it connects us in three ways:

With Christ: Through baptism, we enter a deeper relationship with Jesus, becoming part of His body, the Church.

With Each Other: Baptism unites us with other believers, creating a supportive and loving community of faith.

With the Church Universal: We become part of a vast network of Christians across time and place, all connected through baptism.

This unity in Christ transcends our differences.  Galatians 3:27-28 reminds us that in Christ, we are all equal.  Whether we're baptized as infants, children, or adults, the power of the Holy Spirit works within us, regardless of the specific method of baptism or the minister performing it.  It's God's grace that makes baptism truly meaningful.

This shared experience of baptism calls us, as different Christian denominations, to overcome divisions and strive for visible unity.  Recognizing baptism across different denominations reflects the oneness Jesus desires for His followers (1 Corinthians 12:12-13).

Baptism 05: The Baptismal Covenant


Have you ever felt a longing to belong to something bigger than yourself?  Maybe you've heard about baptism and wondered what it means.  The Bible tells a beautiful story about God making special promises with His people, called "covenants." It's like making a pact with God, where He offers love and guidance, and we commit to following Him.  These covenants are often celebrated with special ceremonies and symbols.

In the Old Testament, God chose the Israelites as His special people.  To mark their covenant, they practiced circumcision of male infants.  But with Jesus' arrival, a new and amazing promise emerged.  Through His sacrifice and resurrection, God offered a "new covenant" open to everyone – men, women, young, and old! This covenant brings incredible forgiveness, God's amazing grace, and a deeper connection with Him.

The beautiful sign of this new covenant?  Baptism!

In our church, we call our baptism service "The Services of the Baptismal Covenant." It's not just about the person being baptized, but about a beautiful promise shared by God, the Church family, and you!

God's Amazing Grace:  The best part? God takes the first step!  His love and forgiveness are freely offered, a constant invitation to a loving relationship with Him.  This is the foundation of the entire covenant.

The Church Family:  We're not meant to walk this faith journey alone.  The Church is a supportive family of believers, cheering you on as you take this step.  We offer encouragement, guidance, and a safe space to learn and grow in faith.  Through baptism, you become part of this loving community.

Your Faith Journey:  This is where you or your loved one comes in!  Baptism is a public declaration of your desire to follow Jesus and enter into a covenant with God.  It's your beautiful response to God's incredible grace.

All three parts – God's grace, the Church family, and your faith journey – work together to make baptism a truly fulfilling experience.  It's a foundation for a life filled with faith and love.

If you're considering baptism for yourself or a loved one, know that it's a wonderful opportunity to experience God's love more deeply and become part of a supportive faith community.

Baptism 06: Baptism by Water and the Holy Spirit

 The Bible speaks of two kinds of baptism – baptism by water and baptism of the Holy Spirit.  These might seem like separate events, but they're actually two sides of the same beautiful coin.  Let's explore this mystery together.

The Holy Spirit, God's presence on earth, helps create the Church, the community of believers brought together through the new covenant Jesus established.  Within this community, both water baptism and the Holy Spirit are essential (John 3:5, Acts 2:38).

Imagine Jesus' death and resurrection as the foundation of our salvation.  This incredible act is linked to the gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2).  Similarly, participating in Christ's death and resurrection is connected to receiving the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:1-11, 8:9-14).

The Holy Spirit, the power behind creation itself (Genesis 1:2), is also the giver of new life.  The Spirit works before, during, and after baptism, guiding us on our faith journey.  Through baptism, God bestows the Holy Spirit upon us, marking us as His children and granting us a taste of our inheritance (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).  The Spirit nourishes our faith until we reach the fullness of salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Since the time of the Apostles, baptism by water and baptism by the Holy Spirit have been linked (Acts 19:17).  We receive both, sometimes through different actions.

Water Baptism:  Water is the central symbol.  The baptismal ceremony speaks of creation waters, the flood story, God's people being freed by crossing the sea, the gift of water in the wilderness, and Jesus' passage through the Jordan River.  Through water baptism, we identify with God's people and join their journey towards Him.  Water also symbolizes cleansing, leaving behind our old life and embracing new life in Christ.  In our Methodist tradition, water can be sprinkled, poured, or used for immersion.  The amount of water is important, helping us appreciate its symbolic meaning.

Anointing with the Holy Spirit:  The laying of hands during baptism symbolizes this anointing.  It's a promise of power to live faithfully, reflecting the new life signified by water baptism.  This practice of laying on hands was later separated into "confirmation," where the focus shifted to strengthening the baptized person for Christian life.

A Unified Experience:  In the early Church, water baptism, laying on of hands, and the Lord's Supper were celebrated together as part of the initiation process, regardless of age.  Today, our baptismal rituals reunite these elements into one beautiful service.  Together, they point to, anticipate, and offer participation in the life of our faith community, embodying God's presence in the world.

Baptism is a profound experience, but it doesn't have to be complicated.  If you have questions or are interested in learning more, please don't hesitate to reach out to a pastor or church leader.  We're here to walk alongside you on this exciting journey of faith!

Baptism 04: Baptism & the Life of Faith

 Have you ever felt a tug on your heart, a sense of longing for something more in your life?  Maybe you've heard about baptism and wondered what it means.  The Bible tells a beautiful story of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River.  It was a powerful moment, marking the start of His ministry.  Jesus Himself instructed His followers to be baptized, and it's become a cherished tradition for believers ever since.

But what exactly does baptism mean for you and me?  Baptism is all about starting fresh with God.  Imagine it like washing away worries and burdens, like stepping into a cool stream on a hot day.  It's a symbol of leaving behind the old way of life and embracing a new beginning with God's love at the center.

Think of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  His love allows us to be reconciled with God, forgiven and free.  Baptism reflects that amazing gift.  As we're baptized, we remember Jesus' death and resurrection, and how it opens the door for a new relationship with God.

But baptism isn't just a one-time event.  It's the beautiful beginning of a lifelong adventure with God!  When we're baptized, we receive the Holy Spirit, God's presence within us.  The Holy Spirit is like a best friend, a guide and comforter who helps us navigate life's joys and challenges.

Another incredible aspect of baptism is joining God's family, the Church.  We're not meant to walk this faith journey alone.  The Church is a supportive community of believers, a place where we can learn from each other, share our experiences, and grow together in our faith.  Through baptism, we're welcomed into this incredible family of God, surrounded by love and encouragement.

In the United Methodist Church, we believe baptism is a precious gift.  It's a sign of new life in Christ, a symbol of God's amazing grace.  Whether you're considering baptism for yourself or a loved one, know that it's a beautiful step towards a deeper connection with God.

Baptism 03: How Grace Gets Real

 Have you ever wondered how to experience God's amazing love more deeply in your life?  The good news is, there are many ways!  Think of God's grace like a beautiful garden, overflowing with different kinds of flowers. Each flower offers a unique fragrance, a special way to connect with God.

One beautiful flower in this garden is the Church.  Our church family is a place where you can connect with others who share your faith. Just like being around supportive friends lifts your spirits, being around believers can be a powerful source of encouragement and love. We learn from each other, pray for each other, and experience God's presence together.

Another way to connect with God's love is by hearing His message.  When we listen to the Bible being explained and discussed, it helps us understand God's character. We learn about His love for us, His forgiveness, and how to live a life that pleases Him.  Preaching and teaching are like stepping stones leading us closer to God.

Prayer is a beautiful way to have a personal conversation with God.  It's a two-way street where you can share your joys and struggles, ask for guidance, and simply experience His presence.  Think of it like talking to your best friend, but way more powerful!

There are also other ways to nurture your faith, like spiritual practices.  These can include things like reading the Bible, spending time in quiet reflection (fasting), or joining a small group for support and encouragement.  These practices help us grow closer to God and experience His grace in a deeper way.

Finally, there are special ceremonies called sacraments that use physical elements to point to spiritual realities.  They're like signposts, directing us towards God's amazing love.  In our Christian tradition, the two main sacraments are Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

Baptism is a beautiful way to symbolize the washing away of sin and your welcoming into God's family.  It's a fresh start, a chance to experience God's forgiveness and begin your faith journey.

The Lord's Supper is a shared meal where we remember Jesus' sacrifice and feel His presence close to us.  It's a powerful reminder of God's love and the incredible gift He gave us.

Remember, all these ways to experience God's grace work best when combined with faith.  Faith is like reaching out and accepting the gifts God offers through these channels.  It's trusting in His love and allowing it to transform your life.

These are just a few of the many ways to feel God's love in your life.  Explore, experiment, and find the paths that resonate most with you.  God is waiting to connect with you in a way that is unique and beautiful.

Baptism 02: We Are Saved By God’s Grace

 Imagine being created with a special connection to someone you love more than anything. That's what the Bible tells us about humanity and God. We were made in God's image, meant to share a close and trusting relationship with Him. It's like having a best friend who's also our guide and inspiration.

Sadly, things didn't stay perfect. The Bible tells us of a time when humanity chose a different path, distancing ourselves from God. This "original sin" affects all of us – it can make us feel separated from God, from each other, and even from ourselves. We might see it in selfishness, apathy, or even the brokenness in our world.

But here's the good news: God never gave up on us. He's like a loving parent who keeps reaching out, wanting us to come back home. The Old Testament tells the story of God's faithfulness, working through people like the Israelites to show His love and purpose. Then, in the New Testament, God entered our world in the most incredible way – as Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, God showed us the depths of His love and sacrificed Himself to overcome the power of sin.

Now, how do we experience this amazing love? The answer is faith. Faith is both a gift from God and our response to Him. It's like realizing we can't do this alone, that we need God's guidance and forgiveness. It means trusting in His love and committing to follow Him.

Some people experience a dramatic moment of conversion, a clear turning point in their relationship with God. For others, it's a gradual realization of God's love working in their lives. There's no one-size-fits-all path, but the important thing is starting that journey.

Just like John Wesley, who described feeling God's love and forgiveness warm his heart, we can all experience that same grace.  It's a journey of rediscovering our connection with God, finding peace, and living a life filled with purpose.

Baptism 01: Introduction


Have you ever thought about the meaning of baptism? In the United Methodist Church, we're taking a fresh look at this beautiful tradition, and it's exciting! It's like rediscovering a treasured family keepsake, a reminder of God's love for us.

A Rich Heritage of Understanding

Our Methodist roots, along with the traditions of the Evangelical and United Brethren churches, offer a rich tapestry of how baptism has been understood. While there may have been different perspectives, one thing has always been constant: baptism is a gift of God's amazing grace.

John Wesley, a pivotal figure in Methodism, saw baptism as both a cleansing and a beginning. Imagine it as being welcomed into God's loving embrace, a place where you can flourish and experience a brand new life in Christ. But Wesley also emphasized the importance of a personal commitment to Jesus. Just like a plant needs both sunlight and water to thrive, we need both God's grace and our own decision to follow Him.

Rediscovering the Power of Baptism

Over time, the way baptism was practiced in America shifted. Sometimes the focus moved away from the deeper meaning of baptism, the belief that God actively works through this act. But the good news is, we're rediscovering that profound meaning again!

A Doorway to a Lifelong Adventure

Think of baptism as a doorway. It welcomes you into God's boundless love, washes away the stain of sin, and sets you on a lifelong adventure with Jesus. It's not just a single moment, but the beginning of an incredible journey filled with faith, growth, and transformation.

Reflecting the Renewed Understanding

This renewed appreciation for baptism is reflected in the beautiful baptismal services found in our hymnal. These services remind us of the reality of sin, but also highlight the incredible gift of God's forgiveness and the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives.

A Shared Journey and a Gift for All

The United Methodist Church isn't alone in this journey of rediscovering baptism! Many Christian denominations are experiencing a renewed appreciation for this sacred act. It's a beautiful reminder that God reaches out to us, offering love and a fresh start.

Whether you were baptized as an infant or are considering it as an adult, know that baptism is a gift waiting to be received. It's an opportunity to experience God's incredible grace in a powerful and life-changing way.

A Stepping Stone on Your Eternal Journey

Baptism is a crucial threshold on your Christian journey, marking a significant turning point. But it's not the only one. Baptism incorporates you into the ongoing story of Christ's mission. You become a participant in God's new creation in Jesus Christ, a new era that He is bringing about.

Awaiting the Glorious End and Fulfilling the Mission

We eagerly await the final moment of grace, when Christ returns in victory at the end of time. Baptism has significance not just in our present lives, but it also gives meaning to the end of time. In baptism, we receive a glimpse of a world recreated, where humanity is transformed by God's presence.

Until that glorious day arrives, we are entrusted with a mission from Christ Himself: to make disciples and spread the Gospel of grace. Baptism lies at the very heart of this mission. When we baptize, we declare our core beliefs as Christians, both about ourselves and our community. We acknowledge that we are loved into being by God, that we are lost because of sin, but that we are redeemed and saved in Jesus Christ.

We'd love to talk to you more about baptism and what it means for you on your faith journey. Please don't hesitate to reach out to a pastor or church leader if you have any questions. The Church family is here to support you every step of the way!