Saturday, August 31, 2024

Devotional: The Purpose in Suffering


Joseph's life stands as a testament to how God works through suffering to achieve God’s greater purposes. Imagine being sold into slavery by your own brothers, facing betrayal and injustice at every turn. Joseph could have easily succumbed to bitterness or despair. Yet, through every trial, God was weaving a tapestry of redemption.

Joseph's journey from the pit to the palace wasn't a mere happenstance. While we might question why God allowed Joseph to endure such deep suffering, Scripture reminds us that God’s ways are higher and God’s plans more intricate than we can comprehend (Isaiah 55:9).

Just as God raised Pharaoh for a purpose (Romans 9:17), God allowed Joseph's suffering to unfold as part of a redemptive plan. Joseph's hardships were not without meaning; they positioned him to save countless lives during a severe famine and to reconcile with his estranged family.

In our own lives, when we face trials and difficulties, it's easy to question why God permits such pain. Yet, Joseph's story encourages us to trust that God is at work, even in our suffering. God’s plan may not unfold in the ways we expect or desire, but God’s ultimate purpose is always for our good.

Let's take heart from Joseph's example. Instead of being consumed by our circumstances, let's trust that God can turn our trials into triumphs and our suffering into avenues of blessing and growth. Just as Joseph's story reveals, God's redemptive plan is at work, even amid our deepest struggles.



Loving God, help us trust you in our lives, especially during times of suffering and uncertainty. Teach us to see beyond our immediate struggles to Your greater purpose and plan. May our faith be strengthened as we rest in Your unfailing love and wisdom. Amen.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sermon Notes: Blessed in Adversity

 Have you ever wondered how someone can remain blessed even in the midst of adversity? Today, we'll explore the story of Joseph to learn how God can bless us, even when we're going through difficult times.

I. Blessed Despite Circumstances

  • God's Presence: Joseph was blessed because God was with him, even when he was a slave.
  • Success in Adversity: God can provide everything we need to be successful, no matter our circumstances.
  • Trust in God: The key to being blessed is trusting in God, even when things are tough.

II. Being Blessed is More Than Power

  • Servanthood: Being blessed doesn't mean being in charge or powerful. It means serving others.
  • Jesus' Example: Jesus chose to be a servant, even though He had all the power in the world.
  • Humility: To be great, we must be humble and serve others.

III. The Choice is Ours

  • Joseph and His Brothers: Joseph was blessed because he trusted God, while his brothers were enslaved by their own guilt and shame.
  • Freedom in Servanthood: Even when we're in difficult situations, we can find freedom in serving others.
  • God's Blessing: God blesses us not because of our merits, but because of Jesus.


In conclusion, being blessed is not about our circumstances or our achievements. It's about trusting in God, serving others, and letting Jesus be in charge of our lives. When we do this, we can find true freedom and peace, even in the midst of adversity.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Devotional: Bitterness is a Denial of the Goodness of God


Scripture Reference: Romans 8:28

Bitterness often stems from a place of disbelief in God’s goodness. When we allow bitterness to take root, we essentially reject the truth of Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

When we are bitter, we are essentially saying, “God, You didn’t handle this rightly. I will take over now.” We abandon the providence and goodness of God, choosing instead to wrest control from God. This mindset not only isolates us but also distorts our view of God’s character and God's faithfulness.

Joseph’s journey is a testament to the providence of God. Despite his trials, Joseph trusted that God’s plan was good and that He was at work, even in the darkest moments of his life.

Are there areas in your life where you’ve struggled to see God’s goodness?

How can you remind yourself of God's promises and trust in God's plan?


Loving God, forgive me for doubting Your goodness when life gets tough. Help me to cling to Your promises and to trust that You are working all things for my good. Give me the faith to believe that Your plans for me are always good. Amen.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sermon Notes: The Pit (part II)


Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut, like you couldn't see a way out? The pit is not your destiny. God has amazing plans for your life, and no matter what challenges you face, you can overcome them and reach your full potential.

I. You're Destined for Greatness

  • You're a VIP: You're a child of the King, and that means you're royalty!
  • The Palace Awaits: Your future is filled with amazing things, like joy, peace, and abundance.
  • God's Got You: God's got big plans for you, and they're awesome.

II. Satan Hates to See You Succeed

  • Joseph's Story: Remember Joseph? Satan tried to stopped him because he knew he was destined for greatness.
  • The Jewish People: The Jewish people faced a lot of challenges, but they still produced amazing leaders.
  • Jesus: Even Jesus, the Son of God, faced attacks from Satan.

III. Don't Let the Pit Define You

  • Trials Lead to Triumph: Sometimes, the hardest times can lead to the biggest rewards.
  • Ignore the Haters: Don't let negative people bring you down.
  • Focus on the Future: Keep your eyes on the prize and don't get bogged down by the problems.

IV. God's Got Your Back

  • He's Always There: God is always with you, even when you feel alone.
  • He Turns Bad Things Good: God can turn even the worst situations into something beautiful.
  • Trust in His Plan: Trust that God has a great plan for your life, even when it doesn't make sense.


So, remember: the pit is not your destiny. You're destined for greatness, and God is with you every step of the way. Keep your head up, stay positive, and trust in God's plan. Your best days are yet to come!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Devotional: The Gift of Adversity

 Joseph’s life vividly illustrates the profound gift of adversity. His journey began with his brothers' jealousy and betrayal, which led to him being sold into slavery in Egypt, far from home.

Despite these daunting circumstances, Joseph displayed exceptional diligence and integrity while serving in Potiphar's household. His faithfulness did not shield him from further adversity, however, as false accusations landed him unjustly in prison.

Yet, even in the darkness of imprisonment, Joseph continued to exhibit remarkable qualities. He became known for his ability to interpret dreams, a skill that ultimately brought him to the attention of Pharaoh.

Pharaoh had a troubling dream that none of his wise men could interpret. Hearing of Joseph's gift, Pharaoh summoned him from prison. Through divine insight, Joseph not only interpreted Pharaoh's dreams but also provided a plan to prepare Egypt for an impending famine.

Impressed by Joseph's wisdom and leadership, Pharaoh appointed him as second-in-command over all of Egypt. This elevated position allowed Joseph to implement his plan, saving countless lives during the famine, including those of his own family who came to Egypt seeking food.

What initially seemed like a series of devastating setbacks—betrayal, slavery, false accusations—turned out to be providential steps in God's plan for Joseph's life. Each trial forged Joseph’s character deepened his faith, and honed his leadership skills, preparing him for the crucial role he would play in history.

Joseph's story teaches us a profound truth: God uses adversity to grow our faith and prepare us for greater responsibilities. It reminds us to trust in God even when faced with challenges, knowing that God can turn every trial into a blessing. 


Loving God, like Joseph, help us see adversity as a gift that strengthens our faith and prepares us for Your greater purposes. When trials come, grant us diligence, integrity, and unwavering trust in Your plan. May we find comfort knowing You work all things for our good. Guide us to embrace challenges with hope, knowing You can turn them into blessings. In difficult times, may Your presence and wisdom lead us forward. Amen.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sermon Notes: The Pit (part I)



Imagine a family with thirteen kids, four wives, and one dad who has a clear favorite. It sounds chaotic, right? Well, that's exactly what Joseph's life was like. Let's dive into this crazy family drama and see what we can learn about sin, dreams, and God's love.

I. Sin Starts in the Heart

Joseph was the golden child, the apple of his dad's eye. But his brothers weren't too happy about that. Their jealousy turned into hatred, and eventually, they plotted to kill him. This shows us that sin doesn't always start with big, bad actions. It can start with small, negative feelings in our hearts.

II. God's Dream vs. Our Dreams

Joseph had a dream about being a big shot, ruling over his brothers. But God had a different plan for him. Sometimes, our dreams don't line up with God's plans. It's important to remember that God knows what's best for us, even when we don't understand it.

III. Suffering and Redemption

Joseph's life took a major turn when his brothers sold him into slavery. He went through a lot of pain and suffering, but God was with him every step of the way. This story reminds us that even in the darkest times, God's love and faithfulness never fail.


So, what can we take away from this crazy family drama? First, sin starts in the heart. Second, God's plan for our lives is always better than our own. And third, no matter what we go through, God's love is always there for us.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Devotional: Trusting God


Scripture Reference: Romans 8:28; Job 12:13-16; Isaiah 2:22; Jeremiah 17:5-8; Isaiah 40:31

 In times of hardship and injustice, our instinct may be to question God's sovereignty over our lives. We may create exemptions, thinking God couldn't have willed certain tragedies or challenges. Yet, the lives of Joseph, Job, and others in Scripture teach us a different perspective.

 Have you ever wrestled with doubts about God's control over difficult circumstances in your life?

How does the truth of Romans 8:28 impact your understanding of God's sovereignty?

 Joseph's life exemplifies unwavering faith in God's sovereignty. Despite betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment, Joseph never doubted God’s company. His conviction echoed the truth later expressed by Paul in Romans 8:28—that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

 Consider areas in your life where you struggle to trust God's sovereignty? How can you surrender those concerns to God today?

Reflect on Isaiah's admonition to trust in God rather than in human strength or understanding. How can you cultivate a deeper reliance on God's eternal wisdom?

 As we meditate on Joseph's example and the truths from Scripture, may we find reassurance in God's unchanging character and faithfulness throughout every season of life. Let us anchor our trust in God’s love, knowing that God sustains us, empowers us, and leads us through every trial and triumph according to eternal love.


Loving God, in moments of doubt and disillusionment, remind me of Your presence in every detail of my life. Help me to trust Your wisdom and timing, knowing that You work all things for my ultimate good and Your glory. Strengthen my faith to wait upon You with hope and endurance, believing that Your plans for me are perfect. Amen.


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sermon Notes: Joseph's Dreams

Dreams are the architects of our reality, shaping our aspirations and propelling us towards extraordinary achievements. They are the seeds planted in the fertile soil of our minds, blossoming into tangible accomplishments. Just as a captain charts a course for his ship, our dreams provide the roadmap for our lives. In this message, we will explore the significance of dreams, the challenges we may face in pursuing them, and the essential role of God in turning our dreams into reality.

The Significance of Dreams

Dreams are more than mere wishes; they are the blueprints for our destiny. They ignite our passions, fuel our determination, and give our lives purpose. When we dream, we tap into a realm of limitless possibilities. Like a compass pointing north, dreams guide us towards our true potential.

Overcoming Obstacles

The path to realizing our dreams is seldom smooth. Obstacles, setbacks, and self-doubt may arise, attempting to derail our progress. Yet, these challenges are not roadblocks but opportunities for growth. With perseverance, resilience, and a steadfast belief in ourselves, we can overcome any hurdle. Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback.

The Role of God

Joseph's dreams came from God that's why they became a reality.  When our dreams are godly, God works for our good. God is the ultimate architect of our lives when our dreams align with the divine grand plan. By seeking God's guidance, surrendering our will to God's, and trusting in God's perfect timing, we invite blessings upon our endeavors.

Dreams are not merely illusions; they are the blueprints for our destiny. With God as our compass and perseverance as our guide, we can navigate the challenges and reach the heights of our aspirations. Let us dare to dream big, work diligently, and trust in God's perfect timing. For in God's hands, our dreams can become a magnificent reality.

Remember, every great achievement began as a dream. So, dream boldly, believe passionately, and watch your dreams unfold.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Devotional: Gratitude in God's Plan

Understanding the secret of thankfulness lies in constantly reminding ourselves of God’s overarching plan for redemption through Jesus Christ. God’s plan is one of reconciliation, filled with love and restoration for all creation.

Joseph experienced a glimpse of God’s plan through prophetic dreams, which foretold his future leadership even over his family, triggering his brothers’ jealousy and betrayal. Despite the hardships of slavery and imprisonment, Joseph held onto these dreams as divine messages from God.

When Joseph’s brothers bowed before him in Egypt, unknowingly fulfilling his childhood dreams, Joseph saw how God turned their evil intentions into a greater good (Genesis 50:20).

In times of adversity, it’s challenging to believe in God’s goodness, but Romans 8 reassures us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Like Joseph, let us be thankful for God’s divine plan that brings salvation and restoration. Just as Joseph recognized God’s hand in his life, we too can find gratitude in God’s promises and plan for our lives. Despite difficulties, God’s overarching purpose ensures that even the darkest moments can be turned into opportunities for joy.

May we cultivate a heart of thankfulness, grounded in the knowledge of God’s faithful and loving plan, trusting that God’s purposes will prevail in our lives. In every circumstance, may we find reasons to give thanks, knowing that God’s plan for us is filled with hope and redemption.


Loving God, teach us the secret of thankfulness through Your divine plan of redemption. Like Joseph, help us hold onto Your promises amidst trials, believing You work all things for our good. Grant us strength to see Your hand in every circumstance, knowing Your love restores and reconciles. May we cultivate a heart of gratitude, acknowledging Your faithfulness and trusting Your purpose in our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.