Friday, July 10, 2020

Reaffirmation of One's Profession of Christian Faith

 The Christian life is a beautiful adventure, like a long and winding pilgrimage.  Along the way, we encounter challenges, changes, and countless exciting opportunities.  The Church becomes our supportive family on this journey, walking alongside us as we navigate life's experiences through faith.

Growing in Faith: A Lifelong Process

Just as with any journey, our faith grows and deepens over time.  Through ongoing Christian nurture, we learn, are shaped, and strengthened.  As we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit's guidance, He reveals more and more of God's will and plan for our lives.  As our understanding of God's amazing grace in Jesus Christ deepens, and our commitment to serving Him grows stronger, we naturally seek moments of celebration.

Celebrating Milestones in Faith

Like God's people throughout history, we all need opportunities to renew our faith and reaffirm our commitment to God's love.  The Church provides beautiful rituals for these celebrations.

Reaffirmation of Baptism:

Baptism is a momentous occasion, marking our entrance into God's loving family.  Sometimes, throughout our pilgrimage of faith, we want to remember and reaffirm the incredible gift of baptism.  Baptismal Covenant IV, found in The United Methodist Hymnal, is a powerful ritual that uses water as a symbol to remind us of our baptismal vows.

Remembering and Renewing:

The historic "Covenant Renewal Service" and "Love Feast" are other beautiful ways to celebrate our faith journey and reaffirm our commitment to God.  These services can be found in The United Methodist Book of Worship (pages 288-94 and 581-84).

Renewal: A Gift From God

Reaffirming our faith isn't just a one-time event; it's a continuous response to God's amazing grace.  There will be many moments on your faith journey where you feel called to renew your vows and recommit yourself to God's love.  The Church is here to support you at every step of the way, providing opportunities for celebration and renewal.

We're Here to Walk Alongside You:

The life of faith is a beautiful adventure, filled with joy, challenges, and incredible opportunities for growth.  The Church family is here to walk beside you every step of the way, offering resources, guidance, and opportunities to celebrate your faith journey.  Please don't hesitate to reach out to a pastor or church leader if you have any questions.  We're here to support you on your exciting pilgrimage of faith

Confirmation 2: A Public Declaration of Your Faith for Those Baptized as Infants


The Christian life is a beautiful journey of growth, just like watching a tiny seed blossom into a magnificent flower.  The Holy Spirit is always with you, guiding and nurturing you every step of the way.  The United Methodist Church family is here to support you on this exciting adventure, offering resources, programs, and a listening ear whenever you have questions.  Don't hesitate to reach out – we're here to walk alongside you!

Nurturing Young Hearts in Faith

When children are baptized as infants, they become part of God's loving family.  As they grow and mature, they begin to understand the amazing gift of God's grace in their lives.  Through Christian education and the love of their Church family, they are nurtured in faith.  This often leads them to a beautiful moment – a desire to publicly declare their own faith.

Confirmation: A Celebration of Faith

Confirmation is a special service for young people or adults who were baptized as infants.  It's not about joining the Church, because they became members through baptism.  Confirmation is a joyous celebration of their personal faith and a chance to declare their acceptance of God's amazing grace.  This can be a time of reflection, repentance, and a renewed commitment to living a Christian life.

The Confirmation Ceremony: A Moment of Empowerment

The Confirmation service is a beautiful ceremony filled with meaning.  It often includes renewing your baptismal vows, sharing your personal faith journey, and the laying on of hands.  This laying on of hands signifies the Holy Spirit empowering you to live out the faith you've just declared.

Stepping Up in the Church Family

After professing your faith and being confirmed, you take a bigger step in your Church family.  Just like young children in a family can't participate in everything yet, baptized infants are part of the Church family but may not be ready for all aspects of membership.  Confirmation marks a special moment where you're ready to take on more responsibilities and privileges within the Church community.

We're Here to Celebrate with You!

Confirmation is a joyous occasion, a celebration of your growing faith and commitment to God.  The Church family is here to rejoice with you and support you on your continued faith journey.  Please don't hesitate to reach out to a pastor or church leader if you have any questions.  We're excited to walk alongside you on this amazing adventure!

Confirmation 1: The Holy Spirit - Your Guide Throughout Your Christian Journey

The Christian life is a beautiful adventure, filled with moments of growth and change.  Just like on any exciting journey, we celebrate milestones along the way.  These special rituals remind us of God's amazing grace through Jesus Christ.  The most wonderful part?  The Holy Spirit is with you every step of the way!

The Holy Spirit: Your Constant Companion

Imagine the Holy Spirit as a gentle friend, always by your side.  This presence can be felt even before baptism, drawing you closer to God's love.  The Holy Spirit is present at baptism, welcoming you into God's loving family.  And after baptism, the Holy Spirit continues to empower you on your faith journey.

Understanding Confirmation

In the early days of the Church, baptism and confirmation were part of a single ceremony.  Over time, these practices became separate.  John Wesley, a founder of Methodism, didn't emphasize confirmation as a separate ritual.  However, the United Methodist Church has restored the laying on of hands (confirmation) as part of the baptismal service.

The Holy Spirit's Empowering Gift

It's important to understand that confirmation is primarily an action of the Holy Spirit.  It's a divine act that empowers us to live faithfully after being "born through water and the Spirit" in baptism.  Think of it as a special blessing, reminding you of the strength the Holy Spirit gives you to follow Christ.

Adults and Baptism

Adults preparing for baptism receive instruction on its significance and responsibilities.  During the baptism ceremony, they profess their faith in Jesus Christ and commitment to following Him.  They receive the assurance of God's grace and are confirmed by the Holy Spirit – no separate confirmation ceremony is needed.

This article will continue in a future piece that explores how Confirmation works for those baptized as infants.  In the meantime, please know that the Church family is always here to support you on your faith journey.  Don't hesitate to reach out to a pastor or church leader if you have any questions!  We're excited to walk alongside you!