Thursday, July 12, 2018

God's Gift of Grace: Experienced Through the Means of Grace

United Methodists hold a deep belief in God's grace – His undeserved love and forgiveness offered freely to us. We recognize our human shortcomings and God's unwavering love that pursues us, calling us into a loving relationship.

Imagine grace as a powerful river, flowing freely towards us. This "prevenient grace" comes before any action on our part, offering us the freedom to respond to God's love.

But sometimes, we need a nudge in the right direction. "Convicting grace" gently awakens us to our imperfections, urging us to seek forgiveness. Thankfully, "justifying grace" steps in, washing away our sins and restoring our relationship with God.

The journey doesn't end there. "Sanctifying grace" empowers us to grow in our faith, shaping us into better versions of ourselves. Finally, "perfecting grace" guides us towards becoming more like Christ.

This incredible gift of grace is made possible through Jesus Christ's life, sacrifice, and resurrection. It's further nurtured by the Holy Spirit's presence within us.

While God's grace can reach us anytime, anywhere, He has also provided special pathways to experience it more fully: the "means of grace." John Wesley, a key figure in Methodism, described these means of grace as outward actions and practices specifically designed to help us receive God's transforming love.

These means of grace include:

Public worship: Gathering with fellow believers to praise God.

Studying scripture: Deepening our understanding of God's word.

Holy Communion: Sharing the sacred meal together, a powerful symbol of Christ's sacrifice.

Prayer: Cultivating a personal conversation with God.

Christian conferencing: Encouraging conversations and fellowship with fellow believers.

These practices aren't ways to earn salvation; it's already a gift from God.  Think of them as tools that help us open ourselves to God's grace, allowing it to flow into our lives, guide our growth, and strengthen our faith.

The Methodist tradition emphasizes the importance of practicing these means of grace throughout our spiritual journey. By embracing them, we position ourselves to receive the fullness of God's love and experience the transformative power of His grace.